BetterAccent Tutor

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BetterAccent Tutor for American English:

BetterAccent Tutor is designed for non-native speakers of English, who would like to speak clearly, effectively and be easily understood. Using advance unique patented speech analysis technology, BetterAccent Tutor presents instant audio-visual feedback of users’ pronunciation. In American English three components of speech that contribute the most to comprehensibility are intonation, stress and rhythm. BetterAccent Tutor analyzes intonation, stress and rhythm patterns of a user-recorded utterance and visualizes these patterns in an easy- to- understand manner. By pinpointing the exact mistakes, BetterAccent Tutor allows users to focus on the problems that are unique to their speech.

bulletAllows users to record and playback utterances.
bulletAnalyzes and visualizes intonation, intensity and rhythm patterns of recorded utterances.
bulletVisualizes the syllabic structure of recorded utterances and highlights the syllables as they are played back.
bulletAllows users to visually compare the user’s and native speaker’s intonation, intensity and rhythm patterns.
bulletContains an extensive set of exercises specially- designed for the BetterAccent Tutor.
bulletIncludes detailed explanations of each exercise.
bulletIncludes a large collection of utterances by native speakers to provide users with guidance and a yardstick for correct pronunciation.
bulletWorks well as a course supplement or as an interactive pronunciation coach for students’ independent study
bulletIs WindowsÔ compatible.

Sample Exercises


BetterAccent Tutor - pronunciation training software based on instant audio-visual feedback of intonation, stress and rhythm 

BetterAccent, LLC · (800) 854 2599 (fax) · · 

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Last modified: January 15th, 2015